Angela Cubillos Vélez
Angela is a member of the Paris and Colombian Bars. She is also a foreign trade advisor to the French government.
She began her professional practice in 2006 in the area of litigation, developing defense strategies in complex cases.
In 2015, she joined the Hérès firm in Paris. She is a partner in the Colombia office and is responsible for operations in Latin America.
Angela is a member of the European network of legal experts Trans Europe Experts. She is the author of several publications on new technology law, civil law, competition law and personal data protection in France, Italy, Mexico and the United States.
She is a professor at the Universidad Externado de Colombia, a visiting professor at the Università Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, a lecturer at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1, at the Universidad UNAM in Mexico City and at the Association Henri Capitant.
- Innovation & Renewable Energies
- Intellectual Property
- Economic Law
- Corporate – M&A – Private equity
- Hérès, Paris, Bogota (2017 to date)
- Universidad Externado de Colombia - Bogotá (2009 to present)
- Brandi Partners, Paris (2015 - 2016)
- Leyes y negocios jurídicos - Bogotá (2006 - 2010)
- Crowe Horwath - Bogotá (2007 - 2008)
- University Panthéon-Sorbonne, PhD (in progress)
- Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, Master's degree in e-commerce law and digital economy (2013-2014)
- University Panthéon Assas, Paris, DSU in civil law (2012-2013)
- Externado University of Colombia, Bogota, JD Law Degree (2003 - 2009)
- Ponfiicia Universidad Javeriana and PricewaterhouseCoopers, Taxation (2007)
24, rue de Penthièvre 75008 Paris, France
Calle 69 N°4-48 oficina 202, Edificio Büro 69
Bogota, Colombia
T. +33 1 53 00 22 32
M. acubillosvelez@hereslegal.com